Sanju Travels

Sanju Travels

2024 April 28 days tour with sanju,, We have just completed a 28 day tour of Sri Lanka with Sanju as our driver accompanying us throughout our trip. He is, first and foremost, an excellent driver. We felt safe with Sanju at the wheel. He drives a Nissan SUV, which is very useful as it provides a higher viewpoint than other vehicles and has the ability to deal with the Sri Lankan roads which, at times, leave a lot to be desired. Sanju was there whenever we needed him, including some very early morning starts to view sunrises and evening trips to restaurants and events. We had to make a number of changes to our trip, when hotels turned out to be nothing like the pictures in their web sites (a common thing in Sri Lanka) and he was proactive in finding alternatives for us. Sanju has a deep knowledge of Sri Lanka and an excellent network of contacts. He suggested additions to our itinerary and mobilised his network to help us with bookings for trips and events. We found that we saved a lot of money by using Sanju’s contacts rather than booking through hotels or on-line sites. Overall, we strongly recommend Sanju as a driver if you want to make the best of your time in Sri Lanka

Steven William Beet
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